Sunday, November 30, 2014

Starting off new!

I'm going to start off current on my blog.  I have been extremely busy and haven't been able to get to it.  But I really want to be able to keep you all up to date on our sweet baby boy!  Sooo...Here it goes!!!!
November 8th we went on a cruise! Kev, Holden and I! We went to Nassau, bahamas and half moon cay! We had so much fun!! I can't even explain how awesome it was! Holden loved camp carnival, he wanted to go every day. We had tons of fun at the port's and on the boat! The food was amazing as always! This was kevin and Holden first cruise of many! :)  Here is some pictures from our trip!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


March what a busy busy busy month it is for us! Its the month before our sweet baby boy birthday! We have a lot of planning to do! We like to make a lot of our stuff ourselves!  Holden loves craft's! 
His theme for this year party is ELMO!
Holden loves Elmo!  He says Elmo world!!!! He has a ton of Elmo's that he loves to take with him everywhere rather it be poppies and jay j or daycare or just around the house he has some Elmo in his hands at all time! Just look! :-D

Monday, March 10, 2014

2014, A NEW and FABULOUS YEAR...

Lots of changes have happened this year so far!! So excited they have happened!
We moved Holden to a daycare. He is doing fantastic! Eating wonderful, gaining weight, napping, coloring, says his alphabet, colors, sentences, etc! Growing so fast!! Here is some pictures from his first few weeks there......
Getting ready!
Heading out!!....
He said: mommy, mommy, mommy it's daycarrreee! :)
His first valentines party at daycare! He was so tired after the party, But had a great time!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2013 continued.....

We took Holden to tweetsie for the first time. we all had fun! It was nice to go somewhere with my parents. Missed Tyler!

Christmas 2013 was very fun! Holden loved opening all his gifts from Santa, us, jay j, Poppie and Tyler, and the rest of the family! It doesn't get any better than seeing his big smile on his face!!!! Blessed beyond belief!!!
Hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful 2013!
Goodbye 2013, hello 2014......

Better late then never.......

I haven't blogged in a long time. Life has been crazy busy. But I am going to try to do a weekly blog to keep everyone updated on our sweet Holden and what all is going on in our life.
Here is just some pictures from this last year...

This picture is from our sweet sweet friends Jamey and Kimmie gender reveal this past year.  They welcomed a sweet baby boy into the world this past year. What a blessing these two boys are going to be and have a great life together as best friends!

Holden turns One! time flies!!! He is growing up so fast!!!!! He had a Dr.Seuss themed party. With lots of friends and family that joined in the fun of celebrating our baby turning one
 Having  some Ribs while out to eat for Fathers Day!
Holden at the beach with his jay j, poppie and Tyler the third week in July.
We took him to the pumpkin patch and he enjoyed walking around all in the mazes and rode the hay ride and all!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Holden's FIRST Christmas!!

Holden had an awesome Christmas. He got lots of toys and clothes! He loved going to sit on Santa's lap. :) he liked opening his presents if they were easy to open. If not he was done with them in a heart beat. Here is some pictures from Christmas!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Thanksgiving was a success! But I do have to say its very very hard to believe that our baby's first Thanksgiving & Christmas is here already! Wow! He is getting so big so fast!! Here is a preview of some pictures of Holden's first Thanksgiving day! :)