Thursday, February 9, 2012

30 Week Ob Appointment

I was kinda nervous about this appointment; I was jsut unsure about the Doctor, I hadnt ever seen him. But he ended up being very nice. He talked to kevin about the Super Bowl, he wanted to know about our 4D ultrasound, he looked at the pictures and all. He was very nice! The nurse listened to his heartbeat and it was 141, but she couldn't get it as good as they usually do because he wouldnt stay still for her. Dr. Jacobs said he was measuring right on track for 30 weeks. He told me as long as my BP stays good if he hasnt came by his due date, they will not induce until a week later at the earliest. I am glad he told me this, so I am not thinking well by April 12th We will have our miracle here. Dr. Jacobs said everything was looking great, that he wanted to see us back in 2 weeks at 32 weeks. So we will be seeing Nancy Kuney a Midwife on 02/21/12 @ 150 pm.

Monday, February 6, 2012

4D Ultrasound (30 Weeks & 2 Day)

We went for our secound 4D Ultrasound today. Our Little Man was definitly sleepy! He stayed up all Friday night kicking and playing, might have something to do with his mommy staying up waiting on his daddy to get home! Here are some pictures from the Ultrasound! : )