Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting ready....

I am very nervous about everything. What to pack, is the house ready, is the car ready? Ahh, so much!!! Off to bed to try to get some sleep before tomorrow...So excited to meet our little man tomorrow!!

40 week & 4 days :)

Today is the day we had our Ultrasound, to see how big he is & get a plan set from here on what to do next. We had our ultrasound. & then went in to see Dr. Jacobs. He said everything looks good. He said he weighed around 9 pounds 13 ounces. And he looked great though. He told me
i could try to do it natural, but i had not dilated any. So I probably wouldn't, and would end up having a c-section. So we talked & decided to schedule for a c section. :) so exciting & it is scheduled for THURSDAY APRIL 19th!!!! :) so exciting!! :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

39 week appt

Heartbeat around 156, & he still measuring ahead! Coming back at 40 week & 4 days. We will have ultrasound & discuss what to do from here if no baby before then!


Appointments went very fast & smooth still ahead of schedule. Had an ultrasound & everything looked great! Come back at 39 weeks.

34/36 appt

Both went well he was measuring ahead, heart beat around 150's. Start weekly appointment!

32 week appt

These appointments started to be faster. Really just to check heartbeat and check for swelling & we are in & out! His heart beat was wonderful & very minimum swelling! She wanted us back in 2 weeks!