Saturday, October 20, 2012

April 19th 2012 :) :)

The Morning of our c-section we both were very nervous. As soon as we got there they took us back to a room. Came in got me ready, started IVs and gave Kevin his scrubs, and my hospital gown.. :) My parents & brother were all here at this time, cutting up & keeping me calm!! :) Then they came in & got us to go back. They put us in this FREEZING waiting room, then it was time!! :) I gave my sweet husband hugs & kisses. & they took Kevin to a waiting room, & I went to get prepped . It felt like FOREVER until he got in the operating room with me. It wasn't long after he got In the room,
Holden McCraven Norman was born:
8 lbs, 3 ounces
21 inches long
Born at 9:49 am.
I remember Kevin saying he has some hair and he is so handsome. He got to cut the cord, and then he carried him over to me all bundled up in his little hospital blanket. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, to see my sweet husband & our precious new baby boy together for the first time. How amazing!


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