Monday, October 3, 2011

Fair & Baby Room

Saturday night we went to the fair. I could have cared less about the rides or people, the FOOD is why I was there! Boy did I eat! I wanted one of everything! ha ha! We went to the derby, played bingo & walked and walked and walked! It was fun, but it will be great next year when we can take our little baby with us! After we got home from the fair Kevin was so excited when we listened to the heart beat on the Doppler, since peanut had an exciting night at the fair!
Sunday we cleaned out the spare bedroom downstairs. It was work but exciting. Now it is ready for painting, furniture, decorations & most important....BABY PEANUT!!!!!
So ready & excited about our doctor appointment on the 4TH!

8 week visit

We went for our 8 week visit today. Dr. Holman completed his normal exam, we discussed medicines and vitamins; because the prenatal vitamins were making me really sick. I am also having alot of morning sickness all day; so he told me to take Flintstone vitamons! That was a great thing because they taste good and don't make me sick. Actually, I think they are helping with the morning sickness some! Then he broke the news to me that I will be getting some blood drawn. He didn't mention 8 tubes of blood would be taken; my arm stayed bruised for 2 weeks. Everyday being sick, every blood draw & every doctors appointment is worth it! We couldn't be happier. We are almost through the First Trimester. YAY! Dr. Holman wants us to come back in 4 weeks. Next appointment is October 4th at 3 pm with Dr.Peach. He is my regular Ob/Gyn, however he hasn't been in the office for my last 2 appointments. He is also the doctor my mom saw when she was pregnant with me. She is going with Kevin and I to this visit which will be our 12 week appointment. I don't know who is more excited to see Dr. Peach....Me or Mom! : )

5 weeks...

Today we had our first doctors appointment! First, we had our ultrasound. We heard the heart beat and got to see the baby! It was absolutely amazing. It brought tears to my eyes to see the HUGE smile on Kevin & Mimi's face (my mom refuses to be called mamaw, so she will be called Mimi). It was absolutely priceless!!! We enjoyed every second of it and didn't want them to stop letting us listen to it! We will NEVER forget that sound! : ) As we are looking at the ultrasound pictures while waiting on the doctor; Mimi (mom) said the baby looks like a peanut. Ever since then we have called him/her peanut. We will definitely have peanut a real name when we find out the sex! Then, we saw Dr. Holman and he told us the baby was measuring 5 weeks and the due date is April 12th. We discussed some blood work that would be offered during the pregnancy and what I could and couldn't take medicine wise. Once we were finished, he told us he wanted to see me back at 8 weeks, so our next appointment is scheduled for Sept 6th at 11:40 am.

Hello Baby!!!!

On August 4th, we found out that we are expecting a little one. As I watched the pink lines on the pregnancy test go from one to two; I could not believe what I was seeing. I have wanted to see two lines for so long, it was hard to believe. I did the pregnancy test at work and when the result was positve, I immediately tried to call Kevin. Of course, the heavy sleeper he is, the phone did not wake him up!! So, I called my mom right then and told her. She was very excited! I left work, went to the store and purchased two balloon's one for a girl and one for a boy. I went to surprise Kevin at the house! He was SO HAPPY! My Ob/Gyn asked that I get my blood drawn to monitor the HCG level increase. I had it drawn by my Primary Care Doctor the first time on August 4th and the level was 83. He wanted it repeated on Monday August 8th and the level was 563.  He asked for it to be repeated 3 days later on August 11th and the level was 3,078.8! That was the last HCG level needed! At this point, we could set up an appointment! :) We couldn't be happier! This is the most amazing gift in the world from God! Our first doctors appointment is scheduled for August 17th at 10:45 am! We will be seeing Dr. Holman. We will have an ultrasound followed by an exam by the doctor. We are so BLESSED and EXCITED!