Monday, October 3, 2011

5 weeks...

Today we had our first doctors appointment! First, we had our ultrasound. We heard the heart beat and got to see the baby! It was absolutely amazing. It brought tears to my eyes to see the HUGE smile on Kevin & Mimi's face (my mom refuses to be called mamaw, so she will be called Mimi). It was absolutely priceless!!! We enjoyed every second of it and didn't want them to stop letting us listen to it! We will NEVER forget that sound! : ) As we are looking at the ultrasound pictures while waiting on the doctor; Mimi (mom) said the baby looks like a peanut. Ever since then we have called him/her peanut. We will definitely have peanut a real name when we find out the sex! Then, we saw Dr. Holman and he told us the baby was measuring 5 weeks and the due date is April 12th. We discussed some blood work that would be offered during the pregnancy and what I could and couldn't take medicine wise. Once we were finished, he told us he wanted to see me back at 8 weeks, so our next appointment is scheduled for Sept 6th at 11:40 am.

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