Friday, January 27, 2012

28 Week Appointment!

Kevin and I were excited about this appointment because we knew once we had this appointment, we start going every two weeks & we knew then it was getting closer to time meeting our little man! The nurse checked his heart beat and it was 152. I then had blood drawn for Anemia, after that Dr. Peach came in and measured him, he is measuring 29 weeks now and said everything was going good. We will start going every two weeks going back on February 7th at 1:30 pm with Dr. Jacobs.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3D/4D Ultrasound

At our 20 week ultrasound appointment, we were told that this would be our last ultrasound unless, I had to be induced or had problems. So, we decided to do a 3d/4d ultrasound. We actually are going to do two because you get a deal on two and we will do them at two different stages of my pregnancy. Who is going to turn down seeing what their child is going to look like twice instead of once? Mimi bought this monkey at the ultrasound office that they downloaded Peanut's heartbeat onto a music type box and inserted inside of the stuffed monkey. It is the neatest thing; you press his belly and it plays our baby's heartbeat. Guess where the monkey is????? In the crib at Mimi and Poppie's house!!! Imagine that!!! Poppie, Mimi and Tyler gave me a gift certificate for part of the ultrasound as a Christmas gift. We were so excited. I have attached some of the pictures of little man at the 3d/4d ultrasound when he was 21 weeks along!

Baby Room :)

Kevin painted the Baby room all by himself. He wanted it that way so he could focus on it and get it just like he wanted! He did a great job. Once he got done we cleaned the room up and put his bedding on that his Mimi and Pop bought for him! It felt like everything was coming together. His theme is lighthouses and sailboats. His great grandpa loved lighthouse and loved fishing. I want him to know him like I do; so this is one way I can tell him about Papaw Jack. He would have loved every minute of this experience; but he has the best view of all. He already knows what little man looks like and I am sure he put his two cents worth in rather God asked or not! Our little miracle is one lucky guy he has so many amazing angels watching over him! We are so blessed!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

24 Week Appointment

GLUCOSE DAY! I got up at 8:00 AM to drink the Orange sugar drink for the glucose test. I actually thought the drink wasn't that bad. It tasted like Sunkist to me and I love Sunkist! So, when we got there they drew my blood. Then the nurse came to call us back to take my blood pressure and weigh me. My BP has been good the whole time and it still was. Every other visit I have either lost weight or stayed the same. Well, from the last visit on 11/23/11 till today, I gained 9 pounds! It was about time I gained some weight. Baby Boy was obviously growing some how even that I had not been gaining. I was actually excited that I had gained! We saw Dr. Lynch, he was very nice. He had a student with him so he went alot more endepth with everything and spent alot of time with us. His heartbeat was very strong as usual! He measured to see where little man was measuring and he measured between 27 and 28 weeks. He is measuring ahead of schedule, very exciting! Dr. Lynch said he wanted us back in 4 weeks. We go back on 01/24/12 @ 4:15 pm with Dr. Peach. (Mom and Dad, Mimi and Poppie, will be in Hawaii)

20 Week Appointment ( BOY OR GIRL!!!!!)

Kevin, Mom & I headed to this very anticapted appointment. We were very excited about finding out what we were having. We didn't care if it is a boy or girl; we just want a healthy baby! I was very nervous about this appointment not because of the ultrasound, because of the Midwife. I had been told different things about her and I just didn't know what to expect. So, when we get there we go to wait on the ultrasound first. When we went in the first thing we were asked was did we want to know the sex. WE ALL SAID YES!!!!! The tech started by looking at the arms and legs. Then she said let's see....It's  A BOY!!!!!! We were SO exicted!!!! She continued to look at everything. She said everyhing looks great with your little Boy! YAY! Then it was time to meet with the Midwife. She was REALLY sweet. She went over everything as if this was our 1st vist. She told me to up increaae my vitamins and to take 1200mcg in calcium, since I don't drink alot of milk. She was very helpful & indepth. I could not have been happier with her. She wanted us to come back in 4 weeks at that time I have to do the wonderful Glucose test! We go back on 12/27/11 @ 9:15 with Dr. Lynch.

16 Week Appointment

Kevin and I went to our 16 week appointment with Dr. Peach. He came in and checked the heartbeat, which was good! Then he told us that I am 17 weeks now. We were a little surprised......we thought I was only 16 weeks. This made me very happy, because that meant we were one week closer to meeting our little miracle! Then we went over everything from the last visit and he asked if I had had any problems since, the last visit and we havent. This was a very short visit, he then said we will come back in 3 weeks for an ultrasound to determine the sex of little Peanut. Is it going to be a Boy or Girl?????? Next appointment is @ 10:10 am with Pam the Midwife!

13 Week Appointment

This appointment was not a scheduled appointment. The night before I had a little spotting. I first called Kevin, he was at work, he calmed me down and told me Lord willing everything will be okay. He was sure everything was fine, but to call mom & see what she thought. I called her & she came straight to the house to be with me. We called the doctor on call which was Dr. Lynch; he told me I could be having a miscarriage or some people bleed the entire pregnancy. By this time I was very upset and I decided to go to Mom and Dad's until Kevin off. The next day, I was still worried about it. So I called the doctor and Tracy, Dr. Peach's Nurse and she said made an appointment for 9. I went straight over there & Dr. Peach first came in and hugged me & said let's see how this little baby is doing. He did an exam & said everything looked good. Then listened to the heartbeat and he said it was strong! Then we did an ultrasound & I heard the heartbeat. I saw how big baby has gotten, which was so much relief. I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I had to wait to see Dr. Peach for him to go over the Ultrasound with me.  He explained to me that my cervix and placenta were on top of each other and that was the cause of the bleeding!  He said Peanut was growing just like he was suppose to. God is SO GOOD!!!!

12 Week appointment

Kevin, Mom and I went for my 12 week appointment with Dr. Peach today. It was a very long appointment; Our appointment time was 3 pm. We didn't get pulled back until after 4. Then they sent us to another waiting room to wait what felt like forever. But we finally got put in an actual room; where Dr. Peach came in and checked peanut's heartbeat it was 156. Then we went back in the waiting room to go into his office and finish our visit. By the time he came to get us it was close to 5. By this time Kevin and Mom are going crazy! : ) Dr. Peach said everything was going great. All 10 tubes of blood they took last time were good & he told me my blood type, which I already knew! So then he said since everything is going good he will see us again in four weeks. Next appointment....November 4th @ 8:50 am with Dr. Peach again!