Sunday, January 8, 2012

3D/4D Ultrasound

At our 20 week ultrasound appointment, we were told that this would be our last ultrasound unless, I had to be induced or had problems. So, we decided to do a 3d/4d ultrasound. We actually are going to do two because you get a deal on two and we will do them at two different stages of my pregnancy. Who is going to turn down seeing what their child is going to look like twice instead of once? Mimi bought this monkey at the ultrasound office that they downloaded Peanut's heartbeat onto a music type box and inserted inside of the stuffed monkey. It is the neatest thing; you press his belly and it plays our baby's heartbeat. Guess where the monkey is????? In the crib at Mimi and Poppie's house!!! Imagine that!!! Poppie, Mimi and Tyler gave me a gift certificate for part of the ultrasound as a Christmas gift. We were so excited. I have attached some of the pictures of little man at the 3d/4d ultrasound when he was 21 weeks along!

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