Saturday, January 7, 2012

13 Week Appointment

This appointment was not a scheduled appointment. The night before I had a little spotting. I first called Kevin, he was at work, he calmed me down and told me Lord willing everything will be okay. He was sure everything was fine, but to call mom & see what she thought. I called her & she came straight to the house to be with me. We called the doctor on call which was Dr. Lynch; he told me I could be having a miscarriage or some people bleed the entire pregnancy. By this time I was very upset and I decided to go to Mom and Dad's until Kevin off. The next day, I was still worried about it. So I called the doctor and Tracy, Dr. Peach's Nurse and she said made an appointment for 9. I went straight over there & Dr. Peach first came in and hugged me & said let's see how this little baby is doing. He did an exam & said everything looked good. Then listened to the heartbeat and he said it was strong! Then we did an ultrasound & I heard the heartbeat. I saw how big baby has gotten, which was so much relief. I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I had to wait to see Dr. Peach for him to go over the Ultrasound with me.  He explained to me that my cervix and placenta were on top of each other and that was the cause of the bleeding!  He said Peanut was growing just like he was suppose to. God is SO GOOD!!!!

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