Saturday, January 7, 2012

24 Week Appointment

GLUCOSE DAY! I got up at 8:00 AM to drink the Orange sugar drink for the glucose test. I actually thought the drink wasn't that bad. It tasted like Sunkist to me and I love Sunkist! So, when we got there they drew my blood. Then the nurse came to call us back to take my blood pressure and weigh me. My BP has been good the whole time and it still was. Every other visit I have either lost weight or stayed the same. Well, from the last visit on 11/23/11 till today, I gained 9 pounds! It was about time I gained some weight. Baby Boy was obviously growing some how even that I had not been gaining. I was actually excited that I had gained! We saw Dr. Lynch, he was very nice. He had a student with him so he went alot more endepth with everything and spent alot of time with us. His heartbeat was very strong as usual! He measured to see where little man was measuring and he measured between 27 and 28 weeks. He is measuring ahead of schedule, very exciting! Dr. Lynch said he wanted us back in 4 weeks. We go back on 01/24/12 @ 4:15 pm with Dr. Peach. (Mom and Dad, Mimi and Poppie, will be in Hawaii)

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